In case you have a lot of links in your blog's BlogRoll, or if you want to show all your favorite books list, but have limited space in the sidebar the this widget will be a great help for you !
You can put as many links/ listed items as you want in this widget, they will scrolling automatically unless the visitors hovers the mouse cursor on the widget, and as long as the cursor is placed on over the widget, the scrolling will be paused, and it will only resume after removing the mouse-cursor from the widget.
You can put as many links/ listed items as you want in this widget, they will scrolling automatically unless the visitors hovers the mouse cursor on the widget, and as long as the cursor is placed on over the widget, the scrolling will be paused, and it will only resume after removing the mouse-cursor from the widget.
It will be displayed like this:
BlogRoll |
Here's the simple procedure of adding the widget to your blog:
Log in to Blogger
Go to Layout section, and click on "Add a Gadget", select as "HTML/JavaScript"
Now this is the format to enter the content in to the widget:
NOTE: You can adjust or modify the colored content, so as to suit your choice or blog.
And You can put some linked/unLinked images too:
Featured Posts |
Or you can even use a simpler version of this code:
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