Twitter users may not always tweet in English. You might follow many twitter users that do not tweet in your language. It would be surprising to see the updates in French, Dutch, Spanish and other languages which are unknown to you and you do not want to miss out a single tweet as those tweets might contain some useful information. But how to translate the tweets into English or any other language? Below is the list of some of the Twitter translation services with which tweets are automatically translated.
Twitter Translate – Twitter Translate is a greasemonkey script that automatically translate any tweets made by twitter users in other languages, back to your language. The source is currently coded set to “en” for English, but you can set it to any code available. After installing user script ‘Twitter Translate’, the next time you receive a tweet in language other than your native language, you will notice the tweets automatically translated into native language. Beneath the tweet you will also notice a GT icon with the words “translated from …”. This is a link that will expand with the original language if you are interested. Note- to use this script, make sure you are using firefox browser and Greasemonkey installed on it.
Twitlator – It is a Greasemonkey script that translates the tweets automatically. To test it visit the public timeline and find a tweet in a language that is unknown to you. Click the translate! link to translate the tweets. Supports on Firefox 3 or later
TweeTrans It is a twitterbot, a mashup between Google Translate and Twitter. To use it simply use the @Reply feature of twitter. Send a reply to @tweetrans using the following format:
@tweetrans 2en your message here , where “2en” is the code for the language you want to translate to (en = English). Then add a space and enter your message after that. The message can consist of one word, a phrase, or a sentence. Alternatively, you can specify both languages if the language detector does not detect the correct “from language” (i.e., a “translate from” and a “translate to” language) using the following format: @tweetrans en2es your message here where “en2es” is the code for the language pair you want to translate from (en = English) and to (es = Spanish). Then add a space and enter your message after that.
TweeTrans twitter bot runs and sends you an @Reply with the translation in the appropriate language in every 5 minutes after you submit your request.
Twitrans – It allows twitter users to quickly translate any short message to a number of languages. Just send a Twitter message to @twitrans followed by the translation requested (For eg., English to Chinese would be en2zh). A test message I sent: “@twitrans en2zh Hi friends, Twitter is a fantastic service.” Once send you will receive a message – ““Human translation started. You will receive the translation here in a few minutes. Thank you!”. Translation requests are handled manually, so we can expect better results as compared to Google Translate or similar automated translation services.
Available language codes- Arabic-ar, Chinese-zh, Dutch-nl, English-en, French-fr, German-de, Greek-el, Hebrew-he, Hindi-hi, Italian-it, Japanese-jp, Portuguese-pt, Russian-ru, Spanish-es
Twanslate – It is yet another twitter translation service. To translate the multilingual feeds –
Follow @twanslate and then send direct message. For eg., “d twanslate fr Hi friends, Twitter is a fantastic service “. Supports es,fr,de,pt,ja,it,ru
Cybersoc have created a Twitter Tweet Translation Tool using Yahoo Pipes. Twieee is another free service that translates automatically from twitter. Twittervision, transtweet and good-translation are on going twitter translation projects. If you are looking for a tool that can translate your native language to English or some other language then you can go for livetranslate.
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