1. Choose a client software
Most individuals install a client software program (a way to send and receive Twitter “tweets”) on their computer. Here are a few choices Twitter shows on their download page, along with other popular clients:
Digsby IM + Email + Social Networks
Twitteroo Fast Tweeting, a few nice settings
Twitbin Uses Firefox Browser - plugin
Spaz Mac/Windows/Linux
Snitter Mac/Windows (Linux in the works)
Twhirl Mac/Windows (Connects to multiple accounts - very popular)
TweetDeck Mac/Windows/Linux (my personal favorite)
Twitterrific Mac (Application that lets you read/post “tweets”)
2. Twitter Shortcuts
Currently I subscribe to a few news groups. However, there has been an occasion where I just didn’t wish to receive any “tweets” (text messages) from Twitter for a short period of time on my cell phone. The following commands will allow you to take full control of Twitter from your cell phone.
Type the following commands into your SMS device (for the newbie, here is how you can use your cell phone to command Twitter in a pinch):
1. Text Twitter (with the phone number of 40404)
2. Enter the following commands as a txt message, and send the message with your command of choice.
OFF: turns phone notifications off, to silence direct messages too, send ‘off’ again
ON: turns phone notifications on
SLEEP: turns phone notifications off
WAKE: turns phone notifications on
FOLLOW username: turns on notifications for a specific individual
LEAVE username : turns off notifications for a specific individual
D username message: sends a private message to a specific individual, but they must be following you to receive it (D joesmith Hello World)
@username: sends a public message to a specific individual (@joesmith Hellow World)
WHOIS username: returns bio info for a Twitter member
GET username : returns the last update from a specific individual
FAVE username : marks the last update of a user as a favorite
TRACK word : returns updates from the Twitter community containing the tracked word
TRACKING: returns a list of words you’re tracking
UNTRACK word : stops tracking a word
UNTRACK all : stops tracking all words
INVITE 4155225678: invites a friend via SMS/text message to join Twitter **(use their phone number with no spaces or dashes)**
STATS: returns statistics with your number of “followers” and “following”
3. How to Backup Twitter
On July 24, 2008, Twitter lost many users following/followers. Twitter.com states “We’ve restored 99.6% of following/followers that disappeared. numbers & profile pics in sidebar may not be accurate until tomorrow afternoon 07:37 PM July 24, 2008 from web.”
I felt a large pit in my stomach, knowing I had lost many individuals I followed, and could not recall all of them to “search” their user name again. Many wonderful individuals were stumbled upon.
After much research on the Internet I located two choices.
- If you do/don’t use MS Outlook, here is very good reason to use it. There is a plug-in tool called “OutTwit” which allows you to “tweet” with MS Outlook. The benefit of using MS Outlook for your tweeting needs out weighs the desire to not use MS Outlook. Here’s a quick explanation why. Outlook downloads the usernames you correspond with daily from Twitter.com (the same way e-mail works). This pulls the information from Twitter’s server to your hard drive. Now you have the usernames stored in MS Outlook that you correspond with, if Twitter happens to lose our information again.
- The best I saved for last. The brilliant Twitter member vkoser, posted a wonderful step-by-step guide on how to download your “following” and “followers” directly from Twitter, and export them into an MS Excel file, for safe keeping. Thank you vkoser!
4. Schedule Future Dated Tweets & Autoresponder
Have you ever wanted to “tweet” an announcement for something upcoming, but knew you wouldn’t be available? Have you ever wanted to keep your “tweets” going while you were playing with your children? With TweetLater, you can set several “tweets” for a specific time to appear on Twitter.
TweetLater.com has a user friendly interface, with free service to boot. Members can set up an account to autorespond to new followers as well.
You Won’t Break It…
Play around with these suggestions. Don’t be intimidated, or afraid to break something. You will never know what a wonderful world Twitter can be, until you unlock the power of its tools.
Now go play…
If you enjoyed the information from this site, please cut and past this url into your Twitter/Blog and share it with others. http://bit.ly/3l2aAYEvery Twitter users is looking for the ladder to boost his/her following. You might be one of them trying to increase your Twitter followers. You must be looking for more public reading your updates. For sure you must be tired of trying out weirdest things to build followers in Twitter. It’s not tricky to build a famous profile, but it’s significant to start with the right understanding. Most commonly people try things like tweeting interesting stuffs that spreads with RTs to grow your twitter account into a solid distribution channel. Posting a lot of how-tos microblogs won't help actually, for they get repetitive. what you need to understand is that Twitter is a community for interaction and it is also an effective marketing platform. Why not make the best of Twitter. To make things easier for you we decided to provide you with the 10 awesome Twitter tricks to enhance your experience.
1. Replying to hash tags
Reply to the #hash tag meems. In search.twitter.com you get the list the hot trending topics. Just look for the #hash topics and get on with the conversation
2. How to Add Retweet Button in Your Post within 30 seconds
To add the retweet to your website here is a simple trick that was provided in our blog.
Just copy and paste this following code on your blog template where you want the widget to be displayed.
< type="text/javascript" src="http://tweetmeme.com/i/scripts/button.js">< /script>
p.s: Get rid of the spaces between <>
3. Larger Tweets of 240 character
For this you will require BigTweet. To enable the BigTweet you can drag the given link to your bookmarks toolbar.
4. SMS the tweet to your account.
Follow what's provided below to SMS tweets from your phone
- Log into your Twitter account
- Now click on the Settings tab up in the top, right-hand corner of your account
- At the top of the page you find the Devices tab, Click on it
- Insert your phone number in the box in the following format: (your area code)(your phone number)
- Check the box and click Save.
5. Know When Others Talk About You
For this you would require TweetBeep. The alerts can be about anything, such as your name, user ID, website URL, etc. Whenever someone tweets about these you will get an email.
6. Provide Bio link
You should provide people hundred reasons to return to your Twitter page. If they click via a post link or bio link services like twittersplit.com can be of help. However, you should not overuse it. You can use TwitterSplit in creative way to add a BIO LINK that is very different.
7. Tracking and Monitoring on Twitter
For tracking on Twitter you can use Tweetburner.com and/or Google Analytics. Monitoring can be done by the keyword searches or filtering using the services like TweetDeck.com, or TwitScoop.com.
For this follow the steps below
Step 1: Prepare your Twitter Post
Step 2: Add a method of tracking (URL click counts or destination page analytics)
Step 3: Monitor activity to search for keywords unique to your post.
With tracking and monitoring you can be a step ahead in Twitter
8. Quickest Way to Visualize Data Mine
There a number of ways through which you can view your Twitter information faster.
Through Twitter Blocks you can easily navigate your Twitter community of friends and followers.
With Tweetstats you get know who used twitter via the web to send notes on a particular day and more.
9. Know whom to Follow on Twitter
There are some users you might be interested in following, you can get them on MrTweet. The Twitterbot collects data from your tweets and the people you are following to provide you the right links.
10. How to Schedule a Tweet Later
With Tweet Later you can schedule your tweets for a later date. There are much more features in Tweet Later. For instance,Tweet Later can send you an hourly email that is a digest of @replies. Use the Gmail filter to get the text message to your phone alerting you of the digest.
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